
I have achieved a strong educational foundation that has laid the stepping stones for my current and future pursuits. My GCSE results reflect my dedication and commitment, showcasing my proficiency across various subjects: Mathematics (A), Physics (A*), English (B), Electronics (A), Chemistry (A), Biology (B), Geography (B), and Religious Studies (A).

With a clear aspiration to delve into the realm of engineering, I pursued A-Levels in Mathematics, Physics, and Economics. This combination not only aligned with my passion for engineering but also allowed me to nurture my analytical skills and delve into economic principles. The outcome of my A-Level journey was marked by commendable grades of BBB in Mathematics, Physics, and Economics.

Building upon this solid academic foundation, I ventured into higher education at Loughborough University, where I dedicated myself to the rigorous discipline of Aeronautical Engineering. This phase culminated in the attainment of a distinguished Master's degree with a 2:1 classification, a testament to my dedication and rigorous work ethic. The comprehensive education I received during this period not only enriched my understanding of engineering intricacies but also fostered critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective collaboration within a dynamic academic environment.

Currently, I am actively pursuing my ACA qualification, a journey that encapsulates my commitment to continuous learning and professional growth. Guided by my academic achievements and underpinned by a tenacious drive, I am poised to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead as I work towards qualifying for the ACA designation.

Each phase of my education has been a stepping stone, equipping me with the skills, knowledge, and resilience to excel in the multifaceted landscape of engineering and finance. As I look to the future, I am excited to meld my academic achievements with practical expertise, contributing meaningfully to the fields that fuel my passion and ambition.